I am currently a senior software engineer at Atomi, a Edutech platform for high school students and teachers.
I've worked professionally with a range of languages and technology stacks, but my heart is always in JavaScript. My current professional work is with React, TypeScript, GraphQL, NodeJS and PrismaJS, but I've also had occasion to work with Ruby on Rails, Python, and Clojurescript.
Senior Software Engineer for an Australian Edutech company.
CTO for a company dedicated to social change working with household names nationally.
Engineering Lead for a company dedicated to social change working with household names nationally.
Building web applications that support Machine Learning work in industries with large scale asset inspection requirements, wildlife conservation, and retail.
Supporting learner developers in their goals to learn coding and become employable.
Once upon a time, I was a Senior Teacher, Head of English, and Coordinator of Learning Technologies. There were useful parallels between my first career and my current one - you can ask me about them sometime!
My professional work all lives in private repos and is bound by NDAs. Fear not, you can see my second rate hack-jobs here at least! Here are some side projects and itch-scratchers that are at least vaguely presentable:
A simple frontend app using React with hooks and Apollo to call the GitHub v4 GrpahQL API. It returns a list of followers for a user. It requires an API key to use.
A simple generator for diceware passphrases. Based on the EFF wordlist and crytographically random emulated dice rolls. It's actually pretty neat under the hood, but on the surface it just gives you a list of 5-8 random words.
A Twitter bot written in Node.js that deletes tweets and unlikes favourites more than 10 days old. I used it for a couple of years, but have since disabled it having realised the crime I was committing robbing the world of my pithy wisdom.
A written tutorial on implementing passwordless authentication in a full stack JavaScript app.
An article extolling the virtues of benchmarking, unit-testing and refactoring.
A listicle, the primary purpose of which was to tell people how much I freaking love tig.
A podcast interview, in which I shared my story about becoming a Software Engineer, being involved in open source, and mentoring others in the coding journeys.